The number of Legend points required to gain a rank begins at 100,000 and only goes up by 500,000 every 25 ranks, making it easier than the other skill trees to calculate how long it will take to reach a certain rank by performing a certain action, as well as plotting your progress towards that rank.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to gain Legend levels is to repeatedly complete a quarantine zone which gives DROPS, such as Stuffed Turtle, on Normal difficulty, then switch to nightmare difficulty and turn in the drops all at once, rewarding you with 120,000 Legend points per DROP.Press X (Xbox One) / Square (PS4) to open the interface for setting up your custom key bindings. In Bozak Horde, you’re invited to the Harran stadium by a deeply-troubled psychopath named Bozak. To customize your key bindings and see the control scheme open the Main menu, go to Options and choose Controls. One of the biggest Season Pass drops for Dying Light which delivers a brand-new game mode playable in single-player and co-op. Thomas was angry at the fact that beauty could only be captured in the moment by the human eye, nothing else.
#The dying light only prompt is open Ps4#

It was added to the game with the Enhanced Edition, released concurrently with Dying Light: The Following. Legend Skills is a skill tree in Dying Light.